The 2021 Super Bowl

As the Super Bowl passes by, we start to forget the great season that just passed during these unprecedented times. The recent Super Bowl contained some of the best players in the league. Today, I’ll be talking about my thoughts after the game and before the game on Brady and Maholmes.


Obviously, these two quarter-backs are easily some of the best in the league. Patrick Maholmes has taken the football world by storm in his past 3 years. Each year, he has played exceptionally well. Before watching the game, I knew that Maholmes needed to take advantage of his young age and use his athletic ability. Maholmes has a very rare ability in which he is able to wiggle out of tough situations and he is even able to flick his wrist and throw fast, long, and perfect passes to receivers. Brady on the other hand, is considered by many to be the one of the greatest, if not, the greatest quarterback of all time. Brady does not have the best athletic ability but his great game sense compensates for it. Brady needed to take advantage of that and that would help him lead to great plays and to get out of sticky situations. Overall, these two players are great players in their own respective ways and that is what makes them unique and some of the greatest players in the league currently. 


Now, I’ll be talking about my thoughts after the game. First of all, I need to pay respect to where it’s due. The Bucs essentially rolled right over the Chiefs and took the win fair and square and I would like to congratulate them for that and Tom Brady for his 7th super bowl win. Now for the great flaws. This was not a great night for the Chiefs when they were on defense. In fact, the Chiefs actually committed the most penalties in one half in Super Bowl history. They probably lost 2 whole touchdowns just from penalties. In a game as important as the Super Bowl, just a few penalties would probably make coaches go mad, but clearly, this was a day to remember. The Chief’s defense was just not good enough for the calculated plays of the Bucs.


Clearly, this was a game to remember (not in a great way) for the Chiefs and hopefully they learn from their mistakes and manage to make it to the Super Bowl again. Congrats to Tom Brady for being the player he is and I hope to see him playing again next year, aiming for another Super Bowl win. Good game everyone!

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